Sometimes human are just weird when they talk about building a legacy.
How many historic figures are remembered?
How many founding fathers1 do you remember?
Building legacy just do not pass common sense.
Even the greatest emperor2 from the Roman empire had been forgotten by most.
Except for a few (usually the notorious guys), most “important” people are forgotten figures of history.
For those like me who is in their 40s, you can forget about leaving anything substantial behind (You are past your prime!). The only people who may remember me will be my wife and children and maybe some friends3.
On second thoughts, I would rather they forget me and move on with their life. There is really no need to remember someone who is of the past.
Anyway, hundreds of years is bound to erase any memory of the greatest human in the century. When Relativity starts being taught in primary school, even Einstein would will end up as a footnote in 500 years time.
So what makes human continue to work to leave a legacy if that is so worthless as an item?
Recently, I caught up with a long time friend and during the chat he informed me that he has at most another 5 years to live. He is a relatively well to do man and instead of spending more time getting his health back in order or even spend more time with his family, he has decided to work even harder on leaving a legacy.
A legacy???
Maybe I am mediocre.
I had long given up hope on building anything significant.
My intelligence is average and way past expiry date.
My expectation is like way low now.
Nowadays I do things that I like to do and do it the best I can.
The mode is survival.
I am happy and content to be able to do what I like, support my family and be able to survive.
As for legacy?
That may be for my children or maybe my children.
I have pass on my genes and have done my part in re-populating the earth.
Try to name Singapore or US founding fathers…
Marcus Aurelius is also a forgotten figure minus the resurgent of stoicism
I plan to outlive my parents, I could not bear the thought of them seeing me off