The problem with human is that we are never satisfied.
For being alive is already a gift and we hardly savour it enough.
At the start of life, human are hunter and life is perilous.
If the hunt goes well and the food arrives
The family need not go hungry for the night.
Sitting around the fire
Savouring that roasted meat
Every bite is satisfying.
Everyone moment is special
Every meal is a blessing.
For we never know.
Would another meal and another day like today be around tomorrow?
Ode to industriousness, from hunting to farming.
Houses are build and villages are form.
Night become safe and so do the morning too.
Work is hard and the day is long.
However hard we work.
Somethings may not go our way.
The sky may not open up.
The locust may come.
The whole year work may end badly with a single unfortunate event.
If one is lucky to produce a bountiful harvest for the year.
Everyone rejoice for that meant not going hungry for the coming year.
Dancing and singing in rejoice as everything went well that year.
For we never know.
Would another harvest and another year like this year be around next year?
Ode to ingenuity, from farming to modern society.
Buildings are build and cities are form.
Removed away from the necessity.
Life become stable and stale.
Wanting a luxurious life.
People grew green with envy.
Often forgetting when compared against our ancestor.
We are living the life of luxury.
Busier chasing our dreams.
Only to becoming more unsatisfied with life.
Where the city provides.
Abundance of food
Warm rooms in winter
Makes being alive and not hungry a certainty.
Making everyone thankless.
For there is nothing to be thankful for.
When needs are covered and wants goes unfulfilled.
For the day and year we had, would we be having the same one next year?
Life has become better, but our internal life had become worse.
Worse because we are no longer thankful for every year, every day, every moment, every breath…
During this thanksgiving,
I am thankful that
I can breath the fresh air in the morning.
I have family and friends who loves me.
I have the freedom to learn, think and explore life.
For Life is really a wonderful thing.
I will really miss it when it is gone.
Oh, I forget there is nothing after I am gone.
For I have gone back to become part of earth and space,
Only thing I can do is to be thankful for every moment that I am still alive.